[The Journey 2 Healthy]

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Before I begin this entry, I think it's important to note that I've never been diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder. Depression - yes, but BED - no.

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Menstruation VS Motivation

I love exercise.

Absolutely LOVE it. 

I love the vibration of my watch on my wrist letting me know that my heartbeat has gone above 168bpm when I'm running on the threadmill.

I love the ache in my quads and my biceps after lifting.

I love the intensity of a sparring session, and feeling like I'm at my absolute limit.

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Why I'm starting this blog

Hi there!

Welcome! I'm super excited to have you here. Now you may be asking yourself, why on earth would you listen to someone who is literally obese about health? And if you are, it's a fantastic question. Is this another online medium for Health at Every Size?

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